ABBYY OCR for Linux User's Guide |
The command line interface of the ABBYY FineReader Engine 8.0 EPS for Linux (ABBYYOCR) is represented by the abbyyocr utility. This utility supports most of the ABBYY FineReader Engine API functions through numerous keys (see below).
How to use the abbyyocr utility:
abbyyocr [open image and analysis options] -if
abbyyocr [options] -if file1 [options] -if file2... -of destination
abbyyocr [options] -if file -f format1 [options] -of file1 -f format2 [options] -of file2...
The abbyyocr utility supports the following keys:
Image processing keys
Layout analysis keys
Table analysis keys
Synthesis keys
Barcode keys
Recognition keys
Export-related keys
Export to HTML format;
Export to PDF format (PDF encryption keys);
Export to RTF format;
Export to DBF format;
Export to XML format;
Export to TXT format;
Export to XLS format.
There are different samples of using the abbyyocr utility.
abbyyocr -ii -fm -if sample.jpg -tet UTF8 -of sample.txt
The sample.jpg file will be recognized in fast mode (-fm). The colors of the prepared image will be inverted during conversion to the internal format (-ii). The results will be exported into text file of the Unicode UTF8 type (-tet UTF8).
abbyyocr -if sample1.jpg -rl English German -if sample2.jpg -f PDF -of sample2.pdf
The sample1.jpg and sample2.jpg files will be recognized and exported to a PDF file (-f PDF). The sample2.jpg will be recognized with the English and German predefined languages (-rl English German).
abbyyocr -if sample.jpg -f HTML -hkl -of sample.html -f RTF -rmp -of sample.rtf
The sample.jpg file will be recognized and the results will be exported to HTML (-f HTML) and RTF formats (-f RTF). The original lines in the recognized text will be retained during export to HTML format (-hkl). The source page layout will not be retained when exporting recognized text to RTF format (-rmp).
abbyyocr -ipn 2 -adb -if sample.tif -f PDF -pem TextOnly -prl -of sample.pdf
The third page of the sample.tif file will be recognized (-ipn 2). Barcodes will be detected and barcode blocks will be created during page layout analysis (-adb). The recognized text and hyperlinks will be exported to a PDF file (-f PDF) as text (-pem TextOnly -prl).