ocr4linux.com / Documentation Home / Step 3: TXT keys
Key | Parameters | Default | Description |
-tel |
--txtInsertEmptyLineBetweenParagraphs |
no |
Inserts an empty line between paragraphs. |
-tpl |
--txtExportParagraphsAsOneLine |
no |
Exports each paragraph of recognised text as one line. |
-tpb |
--txtUsePageBreaks |
no |
Inserts page break symbols (0x12) between pages if multiple pages are exported to TXT or CSV formats. |
-tm |
--txtAppendToEnd |
no |
Appends exported text at the end of the file if it already exists. |
-tcsv |
--txtIsCSV |
no |
Exports recognised text into CSV format. In CSV files the following formatting applies:
-teof |
--txtAppendEOF |
no |
Inserts an EOF character at the end of the file. |
-tct |
--txtCSVTablesOnly |
no |
Exports recognised text from table blocks only provided export is made in CSV format (-tcsv key is set). |
-tet |
--txtEncodingType |
Simple Unicode UTF8. UTF16 |
Simple |
Specifies the encoding type of the output TXT or CSV file. |
-tcpt |
--txtCodePageType |
ANSI OEM code page. Macintosh ISO |
Used for automatic selection of the code page which will be used for exporting recognised text. The value of this property is valid only if the text is non-Unicode and the -tcp key does not specify any code page. |
-tcp |
--txtCodePage |
Predefined Code Page |
Null |
Specifies the code page which will be used for exporting recognised text. The value of this property is valid only when the text is non-Unicode. If this key does not specify any code page (Null), the code page is selected automatically by using the -tcpt key value. |
-tps |
--txtTabSeparator |
character |
'\t' |
Stores the character with which the table separators are replaced in the exported text. The string accessible through this property must contain only one character from the ASCII character set. |
Note. Full keys are marked by italic.