ocr4linux.com / Documentation Home /Step 2 Recognition: Recognition
Key | Parameters | Default | Description |
-rbm |
--balancedMode |
no |
The recognition will run in balanced mode (an intermediate mode between full and fast modes, which can be activated with the help of the -fm key). |
-rcm |
--caseRecognitionMode |
AutoCase SmallCase CapitalCase |
AutoCase |
Specifies the mode of letter case recognition. |
-rcc |
--cellsCount |
the number of character cells for a recognised block |
1 |
Specifies the number of character cells for a recognised block. This key is valid only for the handprint recognition. It has a sense only for the field marking types (-rfmt key) that imply splitting the text in cells. |
-rcjktd |
--cjkTextDirection* |
Horizontal The text to be recognised is arranged vertically. Characters are written one below the other, top to bottom. Autodetect |
Autodetect |
Specifies the direction of the text to be recognised. This property is valid only for the hieroglyphic languages. |
-rdss |
--disableSecondStageRecognizer |
no |
No second-stage recognition will be performed. |
-rehl |
--errorHiliteLevel |
None THighlight only very uncertain characters. Standard Thorough AllText |
Standard |
Specifies the level at which the ICharParams::IsSuspicious property is set to TRUE for a recognised character. |
-recc |
--exactConfidenceCalculation* |
no |
Character confidence will be defined more accurately, but recognition speed may get slower. |
-fm |
--fastMode |
no |
Provides 2-2,5 times faster recognition speed at the cost of moderate increased error rate (1,5-2 times more errors). For text printed with good quality ABBYY FineReader Engine makes 1-2 errors per page on average. The increase of errors can be easily eliminated by using various scenarios, e.g. the full text indexing with "fuzzy" search, preliminary recognition, etc. |
-tol |
--oneLinePerTextCell |
no |
Presumes that the text in the block to which the current RecognizerParams object corresponds contains no more than one string. |
-rowl |
--oneWordPerLine |
no |
Presumes that no text line may contain more than one word, so the lines of text will be recognised as a single word. |
-rptt |
--possibleTextTypes |
collection of parameters of the -prn key |
Normal |
Presumes that the text to recognize is of one of the types the collection contains. |
-rphp |
--prohibitHyphenation |
no |
Prohibits recognition of hyphenation from line to line. |
-rpihp |
--prohibitInterblockHyphenation |
no |
Presumes that text from one block can't be carried over to the next block. |
-rpi |
--prohibitItalic |
no |
Prohibits recognition of letters printed with italic-styled font. |
-rpsub |
--prohibitSubscript |
no |
Prohibits recognition of subscript letters. |
-rpsup |
--prohibitSuperscript |
no |
Prohibits recognition of superscript letters. |
-rscrv |
--saveCharacterRecognitionVariants* |
no |
Specifies whether the variants of a character's recognition are saved. |
-rswrv |
--saveWordRecognitionVariants* |
no |
Specifies whether the variants of a word's recognition are saved. |
-rl |
--recognitionLanguage |
list of recognition languages |
English |
Sets the recognition language which should to be one of the predefined ABBYY FineReader Engine languages. |
-prn |
--printType |
Normal Presumes that the text on the recognised image is typed on a typewriter. Matrix OCR_A OCR_B MICR_E13B MICR_CMC7 ToBeDetected |
Normal |
Sets the text type of recognised document. |
* XML export with extended character information, 2D barcode recognition and OCR for Asian languages (Chinese Korean Japanese) are not included.If these features are required, please contact your ABBYY's sales representative for a special offer.
Note. Full keys are marked by italic.