ocr4linux.com / Documentation Home / Step 3: Synthesis
Key | Parameters | Default | Description |
-scdr |
--correctDynamicRange |
no |
Image colors will be corrected so that the background is white and the text is black, or vice versa, which improves image quality. |
-sdbc |
--detectBackgroundcolor |
no |
The background color is detected during recognition. |
-sddb |
--dontDetectBold |
no |
The bold-face type is not detected during recognition. |
-sdddc |
--dontDetectDropCaps |
no |
The drop caps is not detected during recognition. |
-sddfs |
--dontDetectFontSize |
no |
The font size is not detected during recognition. |
-sddi |
--dontDetectItalic |
no |
The italic-face type is not detected during recognition. |
-sdds |
--dontDetectSerifs |
no |
The serif typeface is not detected during recognition. |
-sddsc |
--dontDetectSmallCaps |
no |
The small capital letters are not detected during recognition. |
-sddss |
--dontDetectSubscriptsSuperscripts |
no |
The subscripts and superscripts are not detected during recognition. |
-sdtc |
--detectTextcolor |
no |
The text color is detected during recognition. |
-sddus |
--dontDetectUnderlineStrikeout |
no |
The underline and strikeout are not detected during recognition. |
-siep |
--insertEmptyParagraphsForBigInterlines |
no |
Empty paragraphs are inserted to reproduce big line spacing of the original text. This property is ignored if -spem key is NormalExtraction. |
-sebs |
--extractBlackSeparators |
no |
Specifies whether black separators should be searched during recognition. |
-sfws |
--formatWithSpaces |
no |
Specifies whether space formatting should be performed instead of rich formatting (indents, tabs etc.). |
-shh |
--HighlightHyperlinks |
no |
hyperlinks are identified by underlining and the color specified in the -shc key. |
-shc |
--Hyperlinkscolor |
color in RGB format |
0x00ff00 |
Specifies the hyperlinks color. |
-skb |
--keepBullets |
no |
The required bullet symbol will not be substituted, if this symbol is not found in the font. |
-smdm |
--monospaceDetectionMode |
Auto Sets the font to non-monospaced. Monospace |
Auto |
Specifies the mode of monospaced font detection. |
-spem |
--paragraphExtractionMode |
NormalExtraction Extracts the minimal number of paragraphs (either one paragraph per block or only paragraphs which start with a dropped capital). SingleLineParagraphsWithSpaceFormatting SingleLineParagraphsWithWordSeparationOnly |
NormalExtraction |
Specifies the mode of paragraph extraction. |
-ssfn |
--recognisedTextSerifFontName |
name of font |
Specifies the font names used in recognised text for serif font type. |
-sssfn |
--recognisedTextSansSerifFontName |
name of font |
Specifies the font names used in recognised text for sans font type. |
-smfn |
--recognisedTextMonospaceFontName |
name of font |
Specifies the font names used in recognised text for monospace font type. |
-stem |
--textExtractionMode |
AutoDetect Text is recognised, and then recognition results are compared with the PDF data and corrected. RecognitionOnly PdfInfoOnly |
AutoDetect |
Specifies the mode of PDF files recognition. This property is only relevant if the input file is in PDF format. |
Note. Full keys are marked by italic.
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