Table of Contents

What's new in CLI V9?

ABBYY FineReader Engine 9.0 CLI for Linux new features are listed below.

Based on V9 for Linux ABBYY’s OCR core technology

New Image pre-processing

Improved Asian Language OCR

Note: CJK is a license add-on and not included in the licenses that are available on-line.
If you would need CJK-OCR, please contact ABBYY

PDF/A Export Support

What is PDF/A

PDF/A Support in CLI 9

2D Barcode Recognition

ABBYY FineReader Engine 9.0 CLI for Linux now allows reading and processing 2D barcodes as a default feature set. In Version 8.0 PDF-417 recognition was a licence add-on. The new version now supports additional types:

Further Improvements

Improved installation and licensing handling

The installer now lets you specify:

Multi-Core CPU Support


Back to: General Feature Overview