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CLI OCR V11 Documentation
The documentation is also installed locally with the CLI11 tool or you can download the latest version here.
How to use the CLI OCR
The command line interface of the ABBYY FineReader Engine 11 for Linux is represented by the abbyyocr11 executable.
Compatibility Notes: V8 is 'abbyyocr' — V9 is 'abbyyocr9' — V11 is 'abbyyocr11'
Basic Syntax
abbyyocr11 [open image and analysis options]
[export options] -of
abbyyocr11 [options] -if file1 [options] -if file2... -of destination
abbyyocr11 [options] -if file -f format1 [options] -of file1 -f format2 [options] -of file2...
There are different samples of using the abbyyocr11 utility.
abbyyocr11 -ii -fm -if sample.jpg -f TextUnicodeDefaults -tet UTF8 -of sample.txt
The sample.jpg file will be recognised in fast mode (-fm).
The colors of the prepared image will be inverted during conversion to the internal format (-ii).
The results will be exported into text file of the Unicode UTF8 type (-tet UTF8).
abbyyocr11 -if sample1.jpg -rl English German -if sample2.jpg -f PDF -of sample2.pdf
The sample1.jpg and sample2.jpg files will be recognised and exported to a PDF file (-f PDF).
The sample2.jpg will be recognised with the English and German predefined languages (-rl English German).
abbyyocr11 -if sample.jpg -f HTMLUnicodeDefaults -hkl -of sample.html -f RTF -rmp -of sample.rtf
The sample.jpg file will be recognised and the results will be exported to HTML (-f HTML) and RTF formats (-f RTF).
The original lines in the recognised text will be retained during export to HTML format (-hkl).
The source page layout will not be retained when exporting recognised text to RTF format (-rmp).
abbyyocr11 -ipn 1 -adb -if Demo.tif -f PDF -ptem TextWithPictures -pdwl -of sample.pdf
The second page of the Demo.tif file will be recognized (-ipn 1).
Barcodes will be detected and barcode blocks will be created during page layout analysis (-adb).
The recognized text will be exported to a PDF file (-f PDF) as text (-pem TextWithPictures).
The hyperlinks will not be saved (-pdwl).
Use the Command Line Generator for the easy creation and fine-tuning of command lines.
Parameter Overview
The abbyyocr11 utility supports the following keys:
Step 1: Input:
Step 2: Processing:
Step 3: Syntesis & Export:
Export Picture Format Enum
ABBYY CLI OCR for Linux 11 and 9 Compatibility
Please pay your attention to the fact that in the abbyyocr11 multiple input files (passed to -if options) are processed with the same set of preprocessing / analysis / recognition / synthesis options no matter where these options are put in the command.
In addition, when export is performed to multiple formats, it is required to specify different formats for -f options within the same command.
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