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CLI OCR V11 Documentation

How to use the CLI OCR

The command line interface of the ABBYY FineReader Engine 11 for Linux is represented by the abbyyocr11 executable.
Compatibility Notes: V8 is 'abbyyocr' — V9 is 'abbyyocr9' — V11 is 'abbyyocr11'

Basic Syntax

abbyyocr11 [open image and analysis options] -if [export options] -of

abbyyocr11 [options] -if file1 [options] -if file2... -of destination
abbyyocr11 [options] -if file -f format1 [options] -of file1 -f  
format2 [options] -of file2...


There are different samples of using the abbyyocr11 utility.

abbyyocr11 -ii -fm -if sample.jpg -f TextUnicodeDefaults -tet UTF8 -of sample.txt
abbyyocr11 -if sample1.jpg -rl English German -if sample2.jpg -f PDF -of sample2.pdf
abbyyocr11 -if sample.jpg -f HTMLUnicodeDefaults -hkl -of sample.html -f RTF -rmp -of sample.rtf
abbyyocr11 -ipn 1 -adb -if Demo.tif -f PDF -ptem TextWithPictures -pdwl -of sample.pdf

Parameter Overview

The abbyyocr11 utility supports the following keys:

Step 1: Input:

Step 2: Processing:

Step 3: Syntesis & Export:


ABBYY CLI OCR for Linux 11 and 9 Compatibility