Below you can find the description of the export to DOCX format keys of the abbyyocr11 utility.
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ddwa | no | |
- -docxDontWriteAuthor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dkl | no | |
- -docxKeepLines |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dmp | no | |
- -docxMergePages |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-drp | no | |
- -docxRemovePictures |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dsh | no | |
- -docxRemoveSoftHyphens |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dhet | no | |
- -docxHighlightErrorsWithTextColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dheb | no | |
- -docxHighlightErrorsWithBackgroundColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ddktc | no | |
- -docxDontKeepTextColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ddwk | no | |
- -docxDontWriteKeywords |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dpm | PlainText FormatParagraphs ExactCopy EditableCopy |
EditableCopy |
- -docxPageSynthesisMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-det | color in RGB format | 0x00ff00 |
- -docxErrorTextColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-deb | color in RGB format | 0x00ff00 |
- -docxErrorBackgroundColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dpw | page width in twips | width of an A4 page |
- -docxPaperWidth |
Key | Parameters | Default |
- | page height in twips | height of an A4 page |
- -docxPaperHeight |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dpsm | AutoFlexible AutoFixed ImageSize SynthesisSize UserDefined |
SynthesisSize |
- -docxPaperSizeMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dxc | ForceToBw ForceToGray KeepColority |
KeepColority |
- -docxColority |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dcpf | Space-separated combination of the following constants: Jpeg Png Auto |
Auto |
- -docxColorPictureFormats |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dgpf | Space-separated combination of the following constants: Jpeg Png Auto |
Auto |
- -docxGrayPictureFormats |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-dpr | picture resolution in dpi | 150 |
- -docxResolution |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-djq | JPEG quality in percent | 50 |
- -docxJpegQuality |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ddws | no | |
- -docxDontWriteSubject |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ddwt | no | |
- -docxDontWriteTitle |
Note. Full keys are marked by italic.