Below you can find the description of the export to PDF format keys of the abbyyocr11 utility.
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pfs | Balanced MaxSpeed MaxQuality MinSize |
Balanced |
- -pdfScenario |
Illustration screenshot made on a Laptop (2012) Quad i7-3720QM, 2,6 GHz, Windows 7, 16 GB RAM, 64 bit; FineReader Engine 11 R1 - Std. sample files that are included in the sample that comes with the Windows SDK. Note: The CLI tool offers the the functionality via parameters, but without a GUI; speed and recognition results of course vary on the document type, recognition language, image quality and used hardware.
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pacm | None Pdfa_1a Pdfa_1b Pdfa_2a Pdfa_2u Pdfa_3a Pdfa_3u |
None |
- -pdfaComplianceMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ptem | ImageOnly ImageOnText TextOnImage TextOnly TextWithPictures |
- -pdfTextExportMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pmm | Always Auto Disable |
Auto |
- -pdfMRCMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pfc | ForceToBw ForceToGray KeepColority |
- -pdfColority |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdccd | no | |
- -pdfDontCorrectColorDepth |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pfr | picture resolution in dpi | 300 |
- -pdfResolution |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-prt | Desired Exact Source |
Desired |
- -pdfResolutionType |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pfem | Auto DontEmbed Embed |
Auto |
- -pdfFontEmbeddingMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pwtm | Auto DontWrite Write |
Auto |
- -pdfWriteTaggedPDFMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pruw | no | |
- -pdfReplaceUncertainWordsWithImage |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwrt | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteRunningTitles |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwl | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteLinks |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwso | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteSourceOutline |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwsa | no | |
- -pdfWriteSourceAttachments |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pel | no | |
- -pdfEnableLinearization |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pfv | Auto Version13 Version14 Version15 Version16 Version17 |
Auto |
- -pdfVersion |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pwxm | Auto DontWrite Write |
Auto |
- - pdfWriteXmpMetadataMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pph | page height in twips | height of an A4 page |
- -pdfPaperHeight |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ppw | page width in twips | width of an A4 page |
- -pdfPaperWidth |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ppsm | AutoFlexible AutoFixed ImageSize SynthesisSize UserDefined |
ImageSize |
- -pdfPaperSizeMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwa | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteAuthor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwc | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteCreator |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwk | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteKeywords |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pwp | no | |
- -pdfWriteProducer |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdws | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteSubject |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdwt | no | |
- -pdfDontWriteTitle |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pbpf | Space-separated combination of the following constants: Auto CCITT4 JBIG2 JBIG2Lossless |
Auto |
- -pdfBwPictureFormats |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pcpf | Space-separated combination of the following constants: Auto J2K Jpeg LZW Zip |
Auto |
- -pdfColorPictureFormats |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pgpf | Space-separated combination of the following constants: Auto J2K Jpeg LZW Zip |
Auto |
- -pdfGrayPictureFormats |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pesf | no | |
- -pdfEnableSharpenFilter |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pjq | JPEG quality in percent | 45 |
- -pdfJpegQuality |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-peinm | Yes No Auto |
Auto |
- -enableInterpolationMode |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pcmds | down sampling rate of the color mask | 4 |
- -pdfColorMaskDownSampling |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pmt | no | |
- -pdfMonochromeText |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-ptc | int value of the text color | 0 (black) |
- -pdfTextColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdkb | no | |
- -pdfDontKeepBackground |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pbc | int value of the background color | -1 (automatic detection) |
- -pdfBackgroundColor |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pbds | down sampling rate of the background | 2 |
- -pdfBackgroundDownSampling |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pdpib | no | |
- -pdfDontPicturesInBackground |
Key | Parameters | Default |
-pubwitm | no | |
- -useBwImageAsTextMask |